Lazy At Work
Montréal, QC
RIYL: Karkwa; Malajube; the sound of the early ‘00s

After their two EPs in 2017 and 2018, Montréal’s zouz have finally released their first album Vertiges with local rock label Lazy At Work. Well known for their powerful indie rock that resembles major bands like Interpol or, closer geographically, Malajube and Karkwa, this new offering sends listeners down a trip to memory lane.

From the first 10 seconds of “Vertiges,” the opening title track of the album, it’s hard to ignore their resemblance to older indie rock bands from Québec, bands that are now defunct. Every song opens up with the same sound that defined those bands, down to the delivery of the lyrics on “Nager.”  It feels like zouz are still stuck in an era that doesn’t exist anymore, one that was left behind for greener pastures. This being said, the album holds up and transports us through the colder season upon us. Lead singer David Marchand’s voice is a lullaby for the soul.

– Yara El-Soueidi